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Project Three

Redefining the "Collegiette"

My community, Hew Campus, is an online blog targeted at college-aged women. The organization aims to be inclusive of all women, and has even crafted a term for its followers: "collegiettes." However, I believe this goal of inclusivity is being hindered by the extremely specific definition of the word "collegiette." Below are the three genres I will use to make my proposal to change the definition of the term...

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Emailed to...

President: Windsor Hanger Western

CEO: Stephanie Kaplan Lewis

CPO/Creative Director: Annie Wang


Article proposal submitted to editor Alex Absten and attached to emailed letter (see Genre #1)

Proposal for a new "About Us" page available on my own WixSite and attached to emailed letter (see Genre #1)


Project three is unlike any project I've done in any class before. This project really put things into a real-world perspective, allowing me to see my writing through a whole new lens. I learned the importance of not simply having an opinion, but sharing it. Through my research in project two, I uncovered something about my community which I felt was unfair and needed to be changed. Project three allowed me to take a step in actually promoting that change, which was a very new experience for me.

Putting my thoughts and ideas out into the world – in a respectful manner – is something that I'll have to do a lot in my future career. Because I would like to be an editor one day, I'll constantly need to be giving my opinion (even if it's not what the other person wants to hear). Therefore, this project served as excellent practice in doing just that.

My first genre was a letter to the executive committee of Her Campus. I sent the e-mail to the three founders of the organization, as well as to a general information e-mail address. My hope in sending the letter to multiple sources is that it will not be overlooked. While I am definitely prepared for the possibility that I won't hear back from these women, it still felt great to voice my opinion to them.

In my second genre, I created an article to advertise my thoughts on the definition for the word "collegiette." not only did I attach this article proposal in my genre one email, I also submitted it to my editor for consideration to be published. Again, I am definitely prepared for rejection. I know that the article is controversial and I may get turned down to avoid trouble for any of the editors in my chapter. Nonetheless, it was still a great feeling to put my work out there on a topic that I feel so passionately about.

Finally, my third genre was a proposal for the new About Us webpage on the Her Campus website. My proposal showcases a new definition for the term "collegiette." I have chosen to circulate it on my own website, as well as on the e-mail I sent out for genre one. 

I feel as though each of the projects helped me prepare for the next. My first project gave me a way to discover and showcase my writing voice. This prepared me for the personal accounts of project two. The research I then conducted about my new community in project two allowed me to form an opinion about Her Campus. While I have a lot of fun as a staff writer, I was able to realize that the community does have its flaws. This allowed me to formulate the three genres previously described, and circulate them in a way that would be both relevant and effective.

I believe that this project was an excellent way for me to showcase my feelings about inclusivity. As a Latina college-aged women, I am no stranger to feeling outcasted. I have days that consist of watching makeup tutorials and keeping up with the latest fashion trends. But, I also have days where fashion is the last thing on my mind. I have days that I go to the gym for two hours and drink gallons of water; I have days that I lounge around in bed and eat a box of donuts. I do not live my life one particular way. I cannot be defined or labeled a certain way. I cannot always fit the bill of "distinctly fashionable" or "smartly health-conscious." I am a new collegiette.

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